Ontario’s Association for kin, customary care, and adoptive parents and caregivers, is a community of people with lived experience that strengthens and empowers parents and caregivers to achieve permanency for children so that they reach their full potential. https://www.adopt4life.com/home
The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) supports, educates, inspires, and advocates so adoptive families thrive and every child in foster care has a permanent, safe, loving family. https://nacac.org
Canada’s national non-profit, charitable organization serving adopted persons, adoptive families, and birth families. Facilitates programs that promote the placement of waiting children and youth in permanent, safe, loving and culturally competent families. Provides info on programs and services across Canada. https://www.permanency.ca/
The vision of Adoption Learning Partners (ALP) is to make a positive measurable impact on adoption outcomes. We offer meaningful, timely, web-based educational adoption resources for professionals, parents, adopted individuals, and the families that love them. https://www.adoptionlearningpartners.org/company/index.cfm
A site where prospective adoptive families and birth families can connect. https://www.canadaadopts.com
A resource for adoptive and foster families that builds upon the principles of the book “The Connected Child” by Dr. Karyn Purvis. https://empoweredtoconnect.org
The national leader in mental health services for the foster care and adoption community. https://adoptionsupport.org/
Provides a listing of all CAS’s in Ontario and much more. https://www.oacas.org