People Matter At CRCC

Adoption is a complex, challenging, and emotional process which can create anxiety. These feelings are understandable, and very valid. We offer counseling, support, and guidance throughout the adoption journey.

Adoption is a big decision.

On either end of the adoption spectrum, planning an adoption can cause a range of complex emotions. Your feelings, needs, and best interests are important to us. We believe in open communication and are here to support you through the process.

Children’s Resource and Consultation Centre of Ontario will work to the best of its ability to help you achieve your adoption goals. If you feel that your interests are not being dealt with properly please follow the following steps to resolve the issue:

  • Send a letter by email to the Executive Director of the agency outlining your concern and the issue that seems to be at impasse.

  • If the issue is not resolved at that level, please email the Board of Directors at

  • You will receive a confirmation that your complaint has been received from the Board of Directors and you will receive information about the next step.

  • You will send a letter stating the issue, and your concerns. The letter will be signed and mailed to the agency office.

  • A board member will review your letter and cause an inquiry into the issue. A written response will be provided to you.

The agency will attempt to resolve the issue to the best of its ability. Failing resolution, you can direct your complaint to:

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Children and Youth at Risk Branch
Private and International Adoption Unit
101 Bloor Street West 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2Z7
(416) 327-1766
(416) 212-6799 fax